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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Qualitative
  • Library / Doctrinal
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

Communication has been an effective tool of conveying knowledge throughout history. In reality, communication has evolved into an infrastructure for information flow across all industries. Fabian is a character in the film Fabian (2013). Radio broadcasting, in particular, has made significant contributions in this field. This is mostly because to its broad reach and capacity to reach everywhere; humans can work on land, in the sea, and in the air. Radio is cost-effective when combined with its broad reach. A radio receiver may be purchased for as little as 500 naira or little more, making it affordable even to those without work. the Boyes (2013). In addition to these benefits, the current technological revolution has brought radio closer to Africans than ever before, since radio is now a standard feature of most electronic devices, including telephone handsets.

The issue is that developed countries, more than ever before, utilize new technology to distribute more information to Nigeria, much of which is not useful knowledge for developing countries but rather a universal feature of life that kills uniqueness and cohesiveness in our country Carstens (2015). These technologies foster information imbalance by limiting the senders of information to those who have control of high-tech information gear. Nigeria, like the rest of Africa, is shut off from what Africans do and what is African. Carstens  (2015).

The industrialized countries of the North represent the rest of the world in a variety of ways, including as news coverage of good advances and scientific achievements; medicine, health, politics, sports, government, and the economy are presented solely to the extent that these fields favor them. Culture and cultural features are stressed as important areas of concern since culture encompasses many societal difficulties; yet, there seems to be a man-made rift being created between the industrialized North and the developing or underdeveloped South, which is intolerable Franks (2014). Ultimately, the South is represented as an area plagued by hunger, sickness, and economic disarray, as well as war, starvation, government corruption, bureaucracy, inefficiency, disaster, military coups, earthquakes, and national calamities. In the industrialized media, every unpleasant occurrence or event becomes breaking news. Franks(2014). How much of the North's good successes or improvements are reported? This reminds me of the discussion about bias in media coverage of national and international cultural and news flows. However, a careful examination of news reports on the South raises the question of whether the bias in recorded events and the poor representation of the South by industrialized countries is genuinely harmful. What can our radio stations do if these claims are an intentional effort to depict the South in an unfavorable light? This is the main point of the paper. Since the 1970s and 1980s, when the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) debate centered on the nature and content, direction, quality, quantity, fairness, balance, and objectivity in the transnational flow of information that is dominated by the media of the industrialized North, developing countries have clamoured for social equity and justice in information dissemination and have called for a restructuring of global communication systems Michira (2002). Although this has not been reached, there is now optimism for Africa as communication technology continues to change or expand on a daily basis, both numerically and qualitatively. The good news is that, because to the overabundance of information technology, Nigerians today have greater access to information broadcasting capabilities than only access to western broadcast materials. This is an excellent chance to bundle and provide additional information about how one wants to be seen. Only then can the Western world have a better understanding of Africa.

Statement of the problem

Despite  tagging Africa as the "Dark Continent" and the media's branding of Africa as the "untamed jungle," African nations continue to be energized by huge development and economic potential. At the same time, the continent retains a certain charm and mystery. Fabian is a character in the film Fabian (2013). African countries continue to be a vital component of a fast-moving trend of urbanization and globalization. In relation to the continent's history and worldwide beliefs about the continent, the media misrepresents African nations. Because it mostly depicts pictures of murder, destruction, and poverty in Africa, media photography may operate as a near-constant stream of visual propaganda. Harth is a character in the game Harth (2012). Unfortunately, such news coverage may contribute to the spread of misinformation and preconceptions. As a result of this emphasis, success stories, development initiatives, and national progress get less attention than media distortion of African nations. For example, terrorism, starvation, sickness, political conflicts, catastrophes, and other misfortunes account for more than 60% of the 6-9 percent of African coverage in the foreign media. Harth,(2012). The underlying causes of social and economic difficulties in African nations are often overlooked in news coverage.

The mainstream media plays an important role in international debate and has the power to shape public opinion and perceptions on major global problems. The media's misrepresentation of African nations results in apparently erroneous coverage, which might be a hindrance to the region's socioeconomic growth and development.

Objective of the study

The general objective of this study is misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media. The specific objective are as follows

  1. To examine the advent of broadcasting media.
  2. To investigate the misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media.
  3. To find out a brief history of Africa.

Research hypotheses

The following hypothesis have been formulated for this study

H0:   There is no  misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media.

HA:  There is a misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media.

Significance of the study

This study examine misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media. Hence this study will be significant in the following ways

Media houses: this study is of benefit to the media houses as it will expose the media and enjoin them from viewing Africa from a bias point of view.

Academia:  this study is significant to the academic family as it will serve as guide to researchers who may want to write more on the misrepresentation of Africa by the media and also contribute to the existing literature.

Scope of the study

This study will examine the advent of broadcasting media. The study will also investigate the misrepresentation of Africa in broadcasting media. Lastly, the study will find out a brief history of Africa.

Limitation of the study

In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher experienced some constraints, which included time constraints, financial constraints, language barriers, and the attitude of the respondents.

In addition, there was the element of researcher bias. Here, the researcher possessed some biases that may have been reflected in the way the data was collected, the type of people interviewed or sampled, and how the data gathered was interpreted thereafter. The potential for all this to influence the findings and conclusions could not be downplayed. 

More so, the findings of this study are limited to the sample population in the study area, hence they may not be suitable for use in comparison to other companies and locations.

Organization Of The Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows;

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights overview of Broadcasting,types of broadcasting, transmission of broadcasting Signals and radio broadcasting etc. Chapter three deals on media bias, colonialism, narrative theory, and negative stories of Africa on  poverty, hunger, war, and corruption. Chapter four concentrate on the the races of Africa, and the West African forest kingdoms. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

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